Jurnal Media Informatika dan Teknologi 2024-07-13T04:12:16+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of Media Informatics and Technology (JUMINTEK) is a Indonesian national academic journal that has been assigned ISSN <a title="issn" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">3030-9344</a>. This journal is a peer-reviewed open-access journal that is published twice a year, namely in July and December, with the scope covering: Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Data Science, Computer Networks, Network Security, Information Systems, and <a title="focus and scope" href="">more</a>. Papers submitted in Indonesian or English with a minimum requirement of initial review by the editor and further review process by a minimum of two blind reviewers.</p> ANALISA PERBANDINGAN SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT MODEL ANTARA METODE SCRUM DAN METODE INCREMENTAL 2024-06-15T16:12:16+00:00 Eka Oktavia Andriani Evi Dwi Wahyuni Firdatul Nurul Ramadha Achmad Zalman Alfarizy <p style="text-align: justify; margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;"><em><span lang="EN-ID" style="font-size: 11.0pt;">This study compares two popular methods in software development, Scrum and the incremental model. Scrum, as part of Agile, emphasizes short iterations (sprints) and intense team collaboration to deliver usable products incrementally. In contrast, the incremental model focuses on developing software gradually, where each stage produces a portion of the system's functionality that will eventually be integrated into a complete product. This comparative analysis explores the fundamental principles, processes, outputs, team collaboration, strengths, and weaknesses of both methods. The findings indicate that Scrum is suitable for projects with changing requirements and well-coordinated teams, while the incremental model is more appropriate for projects with more stable requirements and teams that require flexibility in tailoring the process. A deep understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each method can aid in making informed decisions for effective, efficient, project-tailored software development endeavors, thereby enhancing the chances of success, stakeholder satisfaction, and competitiveness in today's dynamic business environment.</span></em></p> <div class="NIGHTEYE_BlueFilter NIGHTEYE_Filter"> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Software Model, Scrum Method, Incremental Method </em></p> </div> <div class="NIGHTEYE_YellowFilter NIGHTEYE_Filter"> </div> <div class="NIGHTEYE_DimFilter NIGHTEYE_Filter"> </div> 2024-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Media Informatika dan Teknologi Analisa Perbandingan Metode Scrum dan Metode Waterfall 2024-06-15T16:18:07+00:00 Yunita Sangadji Evi Dwi Wahyuni Firdatul Nurul Ramadha Annisaa Salsabila Shafiyyah Fitriyani <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>In software development, the project management method employed has a significant impact on the final outcome and the efficiency of the process. The most prevalent methods in software development are Scrum and waterfall. Each method possesses distinctive advantages and disadvantages. The Scrum method is renowned for its flexibility in organizing changes as the software development process progresses. In contrast, the waterfall method employs a linear and structured approach to software development. The methodology employed in this research entails a qualitative approach to gain a deeper understanding of the Scrum and waterfall methods through a literature review and comparative analysis. Through the literature review and comparative analysis conducted, the author can explore more profound insights into the implementation and effectiveness of the Scrum and waterfall methods. The findings of this research indicate that the selection of an appropriate software development methodology should be based on the specific characteristics of the project in question, the needs of the users, the capabilities of the development team, and an evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of each method.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong>—<em>Software, Scrum, Waterfal</em></p> 2024-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Media Informatika dan Teknologi SISTEM INFORMASI E-COMMERCE BARANG INTERIOR DESIGN PADA CAKRA FURNITURE BERBASIS WEB DENGAN MODEL FAST 2024-07-13T04:12:16+00:00 Zara Effendi Sujono <p><em>Cakra Furniture 2 is an interior design sales business, Cakra Furniture 2 is the second branch which was only established on January 27 2024 and has been running for several months. The address is Jalan Depati Hamzah, Semabung Baru, Kec. Girimaya, PangkalPinang City, Bangka Belitung Islands 33146. Cakra Furniture 2 sells various interior designs such as kitchen sets, TV backdrops, minibars, cupboards, study sets and others. At Cakra Furniture 2, promotional activities are only via Instagram. Apart from that, the process of collecting data on interior design orders is still done manually and does not utilize an information system, so submitting order and sales reports and creating invoices takes a long time. To answer this problem, research was carried out to design an e-commerce website at Cakra Furniture 2. In this research, the analysis used the FAST model, for tools as a tool to model the designed system, namely using UML diagrams, while for data collection using interview and observation techniques. The results of this research are in the form of a system design that is used as a reference for building an e-commerce system that can simplify and improve the owner's or customer's ability to carry out sales transactions</em></p> 2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Media Informatika dan Teknologi