About the Journal

Journal of Media Informatics and Technology (JUMINTEK) is a Indonesian national academic journal that has been assigned ISSN 3030-9344. This journal is a peer-reviewed open-access journal that is published twice a year, namely in July and December, with the scope covering: Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Data Science, Computer Networks, Network Security, Information Systems, and more. Papers submitted in Indonesian or English with a minimum requirement of initial review by the editor and further review process by a minimum of two blind reviewers.

Publication Frequency

Every July and December. 10 articles per number.

Creative Common License

This journal uses CC BY-SA 4.0 License from Creative Common License. Articles published in this journal are free to be copied and redistributed in any medium or format. They are also free to be remixed, transformed, and built upon for any purpose, even commercially. This freedom will not be revoked as long as the license term is applied.